2025 Peony & Garlic inventory will restock January 1st for fall delivery!

Scrumdidleumptious Itoh Roots
Scrumdidleumptious Itoh Roots

Scrumdidleumptious Itoh Roots

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Peony Scrumdidleumptious (Itoh), Large roots, 3-5 eye

The name is a tongue twister, here at the farm we often call it scrumpy.

An incredibly rare and highly sought-after plant that produces perhaps the most beautiful flowers of all Itoh peonies. 

‘Scrumdidleumptious’ tosses up finely formed, semi-double to double blossoms (averaging 6” across) of soft creamy yellow suffused with pink that darkens slightly at the edges of the petals to form a subtle outline. The gently fragrant flowers that does not require staking. Introduced in 2002. Midseason bloom time

Limited availability while we grow out our field stock