Garlic Powder & Garlic Nuggets
We are proud to provide certified organic garlic powder & garlic nuggets. Both made with 100% garlic – never any additives!
Both items will ship all year long!
New Product! Daffodil “Van Sion”
An heirloom variety dating from the 1600s, sold and passed down for generations. Very hardy, often naturalizing and multiplying where others do not survive. Van Sion is a bright yellow daffodil streaked with green. Double flowers with softly pointed petals. Pleasantly fragrant. Deer resistant. Very easy to grow and long lived. Spring flowering.
*Please note: Daffordils will ships in the fall

Peony Roots

Top Quality Organic Garlic
Affordably priced Organic German Extra Hardy, Georgian Crystal and Georgian Fire
Large bulbs
100% certified organic
Seed-tested annually since 2009 for white mold, bloat nematode and botrytis.
There is a pricing discount for ordering larger volumes:
1/2 pound $16
1 pound, pay $25
5 pounds, pay $20 per pound
20 pounds, pay $18 per pound
*Garlic inventory will restock in January for Fall delivery!
Giant Colchicum
Flower stalks emerge in September, months after the leaves have died back, giving rise to the names Naked Boys (in the U.S.) and Naked Girls (in Britain). In early fall, Colchicum’s large bulb-like corms send up cup or goblet-shaped crocus-like 4-8″ flowers, up to five per stem, in shades pastel to vibrant. Handsome glossy broad 8-12″ leaves emerge in spring to feed the corms, then die back by late summer to make way for fall’s naked bloom.
Great for patio pots in fall. Each Colchicum bulb produces 5-10 flowers.
Payment Options at the Farm
While we accept credit and debit cards for all online purchases, all purchases made at the farm can only be made by cash or check.
Garlic Harvest
Our Farm
The farm, located in the heart of Maine, is situated on 27 acres, of which 4 acres are under production.
We specialize in growing organic German Extra Hardy garlic, Georgian Fire, Georgian Crystal and take great pride and joy in the production of some of the best quality garlic available. Garlic direct from our farm to your farm or table. We also grow and offer Peony Plants that are large and often ready to bloom the following spring. Along with colchicum bulbs that will bloom upon arrival to farmers and the home gardener.

Notecards & Prints
Our good friend Alan Claude visits our farm often to buy garlic.This year he came with these treasures. A digital rendition of our farm.We were so surprised to see his artwork of our farm in print. We fell in love with them and now offer them on our website for all to enjoy in the form of notecards and prints!
Certified Organic
We are certified organic because we believe in farming practices that leave this earth in a better state than when we received it. We believe in growing nutritious food and quality seed without harmful pesticides and fertilizers. We also believe we can grow the biggest and best Garlic seed the organic way with loads of organic matter in a soil that's teaming with microbes. The way a healthy soil was meant to be.